Honda DTC Codes

Find a comprehensive list of Honda diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) on our website, including OBD1 and OBD2 codes. Our guide includes detailed information on each code, such as definitions, causes, symptoms, and possible solutions. Whether you're a Honda owner or a professional technician, our DTC list can help you diagnose and fix issues with your Honda car or SUV. Browse our website to learn more about Honda DTC codes and get expert advice on troubleshooting common and rare problems.

There are several types of OBD (On-Board Diagnostics) codes that a vehicle's computer system can generate. Some of the most common OBD codes include:

It's important to note that not all vehicles will have all of these code types and the codes used may vary by make and model. Additionally, OBD codes can be specific to a particular vehicle manufacturer, which can make it more difficult to diagnose and repair issues.

Honda DTC Code Types:

Select your suitable Honda DTC code list.

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